Thursday, December 29, 2011

deletion of the church on facebook

well many of you have been wondering "hey why the heck did that idiot delete me? is he just pissed and sending his rage out towards me? is he just mad at me? whats going on"
-well i am here to put an end to this entire thing and just come out and say most of it.
-i decided to remove the church from my friends list because i no longer want to stay connected with the church, i dont want to be "involved" with the church. if i had a choice to come to church or not i would most certainly would not come. not for anyone. this is an opinion and a thing that i have come up with with a few reasons which in my opinion are not neccesarily needed to be said. i have no personal matters to be against any of you.. well some of you.. and if you think i have no honest reason to be mad at you then its safe to say that you are clear from my rain of fire. i just in my opinion see the church as a whole, a untrusted and a place where no one is trustworthy. a year ago i woulda loved church, nine months ago i wanted to come less, few months ago it got better, last week i said i was done. i have no intention of recconnecting with the church. people who i have known there for years have changed. and well its time for me to move on. so again.. nothing personal with most of you.. if i have a thing that i want to get rid of [the church] im going to rid my profile from it. i dont want to discuss anything about this ordeal so i would like for it to be left alone. and when i come to church on sunday morning that i may not be confronted or be asked about it.
-lets be mature about it
-not mad at most of you
-deletion was not personal, for most
-confrontation is something i do NOT want
-ordeal, would like to be ignored and un spoken about

Saturday, December 10, 2011

F U Sermine

- ah what a great video and what a great sermine, who knew that black church could be so funny
-the importance that i saw in this video is that he brought up a phrase that alot of people use today and use it in a crude and disrespectful way. but this guy.. the genius that he is, changed it and made it into a goddly phrase. F is forgive not for the other thing that i am not permited to type down. and he added humor into it so that the people would think it was even mre acceptable. throughout the video he was teaching them how to forgive, using context of the bible, and then made the transition to the new FU. he said we need to forgive like god forgives us, we need to forgive everybody around us, we need to forgive the ones who have hurt us. this is something that i wish could go on in our church but gah.. these people dont have a sense of humor. oh well. this video should atleast be showed up on a sunday morning to teach them something. i dont honestly think i am going to go around and say F U to everybody that i know, but if the time comes up.. and i think that that person really needs to have my forgiveness.. i will say "*input name here* FU" that is also what you need to think of when someone says Fu to you. they are forgiving you.. maybe deep down. but they are forgiving you. the ability of the church to make it in a friendly enviorment works wonders. 100,000+ views on youtube. means that it has reached to people all over

Friday, December 9, 2011

Blog FInale.. F U to the link above for my final blog tomorrow morning. Insight

Bro's Before Hoes

some might say that this has nothing to do with christ. and all of that junk and well i am here to tell you differently. someone like me can find one of these old terms and phrases and turn it into something decently acceptable by some people.
     christ tells us that we need to stikc together with our family because they are all that we have in life. friends wont be there for you forever but family will be. your brother is something that you need to charish in life. but a hoe.. or lets say girlfriend is something that will hopefully pass away and go away eventually. this phrase is maybe just another way to say that family comes first and next to that no one can compare with them on this earth. family is something to cherish and to make first priority instead of a temporary distraction.
     bro's stick together. and christ tells us that this is the way its supposed to be. you dont strike your father, you dont disrespect your mother. and you dont leave your brother or sister behind. just not something that you do. you can like your girl all you want to but, family will always come first and thats they way its supposed to be.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Turn The Other Cheek

something that i will not do because i know that i couldnt
-if some one. anyone is to punch my face. slap my face. they should know that i am going to jump up and do everythig in my power to kick their BLAH BLAH BLAH.. urg.. i will not just sit there and be hit. and i highly doubt any one of you would do it either. especially if you are a guy. i.. i get mad aand i dont cry. if i get mad my hand starts to shake. if i get hit.. well thats another thing. im not like jesus and i dont know how that man could have possibley done it but yeah i kinda could his was a prinsoner there wasnt much that he could do. no friend of his jjust slapped his face cause they got in an argument. i think that this is something that probably no body has done in a long long time. sometimes people dont want to evade the fight because it makes them look like a wuss. or maybe they are wanting to fight in general. turning the other cheek in my mind pretty much means "hey im to mature to do this junk. so im done.  goodbye" but honestly.. i think the anger inside of me at that point would overpower my mature brain at that moment. and i think that would go for the same for you. jesus can talk he wants to about turning the other cheek but i dont think ever in that book did he get slapped in the face and turn that cheek. i think that there should have been some example. and maybe we could have made the statement more realisitc. turning the other cheek is something that common soceity is saying that we shouldnt do. they say we should fight and try to hurt each other to no end. but yeah. turning the other cheek is a sign of maturity. a sign of streangth beyond the muscle. and a sense of inteligence that we dont see often. and i am man enough to admit that i probably couldnt do it. what about you

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Well we all know we are supposed to forgive people but honestly i am tired of forgiving. i forgive alot of things in life. il forgive you for stepping on my foot, il forgive you for insulting me, and il forgive you for lieng to me, but after awhile.. im done forgiving you and im just about ready to leave you alone. jesus says for us to forgive but gah.. i am tired of forgiving people. they dont deserve it. you can mess up but for christ sake you need to learn your  lesson but it looks like you cant so im done with you. everyone has a limit, and everyone has boundries but i dont think it should be my responsiblity to tell you. i am tired of being the nice kid. i am not perfect, and neither are you, but you should have the common sense to know you are wrong. and i dont care that i am not fogiving you because i have far to many times. Forgive and Forget. Is something i can not do. something i will not do. and something that you should not do. Its not a cammandment to fogive, its not even a rule, so i dont think i am not completely wrong for not fogiving. but i think i am correct for not. and that first quote up there. i believe is completely false by the way. and the second one isnt either. they in my eyes are falso quotes. apparently learning to forgive we are all supposed to do if we are to be strong christians. but hey im able to say that im not.  so i think im doing just fine at my current pace

A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
Robert Fripp

Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
Gerald Jampolsky

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Power Of The Mind.

alright well before you and drew were here i think it might have been with harold? or maybe even before them but cherish was there for a day and she made up a giant statement thta kind of made me think. how did christ have power over his mind. even as a child he must have thought of one bad thought in his mind. if he was a teenager, he must have had wrong thought atleast once in his life. there is not a person who has not thought of something wrong in their life. we might have thought it but not said it but i think its still sinful. the mind is kind of a way, or the control  to how you act. if your mind is messed up so will your heart because those thoughts are all that you think about. the mind is something that has to be tamed. and in my eyes if god was pure. and he was perfect then he must have never thought of something wrong in his entire life so that he could have had a pure heart. he must of had some kind of serious training though.. cause i dont think anyone could ever do it. there is alot of things that i could go into that could help you realize the small things that could end up being sinful but i will not. his heart was pure, so his mind must have been also. if your mind is currupt so will you

Monday, December 5, 2011

Public Displays Of Affection

i can honestly say that i hate this thing to no end.. i walk to school, in a bad mood, its another monday, and i do not want my first glimpse of school to see to ugly people inside and out to make out infront of everybody, i dont want to be stuck behind to people holding hands with each other. get your own freaking space outside of school and meet each other there. frankly i dont care how much you supposedly love each other, i think you should just go away and do it.
- i also believe that it is something rude. i dont think that if you can not do something infront of your grandmother or not show your grandmother then its something rude. you would not make out with your girlfriend infront of your grandmother and you would probably not just hold hands in your church infront of everybody too. this is something that you do in your own private time away from others because in my eyes it is rude. i even believe that if i were to finally decide to date someone.. eh not happening because i hate people but still.. i would not dare hold a hand with someone in school -.- cause i feel bad for the soul that walks behind me haha.
- wrong? right? no problem? i wonder, is it me, or is it just incorrect. i dont think they ever did this back in the day in jesus' time but they had adultry. but eh i dont know what he would say about public displays of affection.. or what anybody else would back then.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


yes, i just did christmas but i couldnt really think of anything else at the moment and this will still be a good topic to write down. or type down.
yes again i will talk about how they have destroyed the reason of it and then turned it into something else that is mainly for money and gifts.
-the origional reason of easter is of course the death of jesus, which doesnt seem like a nice thing to celebrate but apparently it is something that we are supposed to do. they can make up reasons to celebrate that can include him dieng for our sins and with that we were allowed to come into heaven once we believed in him. i find the whole idea of easter is kind of.. a waste of a holiday. lets just agknowledge what happend but not throw a giant party.
-now all we do mainly is throw stupid eggs around the yard and tell everyone that the easter bunny came and then we go find the eggs and just go eat some food. gah how the lies have fueled our country in order to get money and profit for some strange reason. our country always seems to try to take christ away from the entire holiday. they create a way of making a profit in everything possible and end up destroying the true meaning of the holiday.
-same statement to have here today, ask a child and ask them what is the meaning of easter or what happens on easter and see if they say that "we celebrate that jesus died for our sins" and not that the easter bunny comes and gives us presents.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The "Fakeness" Of The Church

ehi have always hated this and its always been in the church that we all go to but i thought i might as well lay it out here now. why is almost every single person in that church so fake.. they never show their true feelings they always just show themselves being happy. as drew has said before, if there was any a place to show how we really are feeling, church would be it, because its supposed to be the place that you turn to when you are hurt so people can pray for you and encourage you or do whatever needs to be done. but it seems that at our church these people just put on their happy masks and never shows anything different. my brother is a prime example,  he wa sall made one day when he was driving us to church [when he had a permit] and my mom was yelling and fussing at him, and he was being rude, so he was mad going into church, happy in the church, and got mad again outside those doors. my mom asked why the sudden mood changed and his words exactly were "we are back in the real world"..
-for me, i dont give a flying pig if you want me to be happy, if im not in a good mood, im going to show it, im not going to be anybody that you want me to be, im going to be me. i think that if the church actually started to do this we would find out that not alot of people in that church are who they really are. friends say that you should put a smile on your face but when your down you should be able to show it and not be fussed at for it.
-the church should be able to show their true character and be vulnerable to other people so that they can actually helpl you and care for you the way that the church was intended to be.

Friday, December 2, 2011


any easy thing to do. something that we do for christmas and something that we all do for one another. the whole idea of giving is you share something with someone else or you just give it to someone else entirely. and well there is a certain story in the book of the bible that is the prime example of giving.
     little kid, i dont think the bible tells us if he is poor or not but he went to the market and just bout two fish and a loaf of bread? but yeah and jesus asked for it, and he just gave it all to him without a second thought. and because of his choice to give it. jesus made a miracle out of it and converted it into enough food for everyone to have and it fed thousands. he gave jesus everything that he had at that moment and that could have been all the money that he had saved up for awhile, the money that his parents gave him to go buy dinner, or just for something else. we do not know but whats important is that he gave his everything to jesus and he got something better out of it. which can also go into tything. giving a small percent of your stuff and jesus gives you something back in return. giving is something that is something almost bread into everyone of us but it has true meaning in it. and also gives us a chance to give to god, and to give to others and hopefully by showing our character show them our light, and bring them closer to christ because of it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


something that is upcoming but i was trying to save this but it turns out that i will not be able to do it on the day of christmas so i will do it now.
- the curruption and the muk that has polluted the truth of the reason of christmas is truely almost gone in my eyes. we all know that when we were kids and we are asked... what happens on christmas? we always said, oh santa comes and we get alot of presents and we open them in the morning. we never did say that we celebrate the birth of jesus christ. and well thats kind of a sad thing to think about. modern soceity and the ones that were in the past had to just come up with some thing or figure to hide the fact that this day is truely for god. they made up some way that people could spend even more money and not just eat and be with family and celebrate christs birth. and well i am not denying that i dont like the presents but its kind of a shame that everything in common soceity has some kind of fairy tale thing about it that makes us end up spending money for the government to have again. it was always used to be day just for jesus but sometime in the past "saint nicolas was created and then began the reign of the presents and the insane spending. sometimes it is hard to realize that most children dont even realize what the true meaning of christmas.
-short thing, x-mas, another example of what someone decided so that they could take christ out of christmas, most thought it was just shortening the word on christmas cards but when you come to think about it, you really are taking christ out of CHRISTmas.
-attempt to do this sometime when christmas comes closer and the child is of closer age. ask them what the true meaning of christmas us. see if i am wrong.