something that is upcoming but i was trying to save this but it turns out that i will not be able to do it on the day of christmas so i will do it now.
- the curruption and the muk that has polluted the truth of the reason of christmas is truely almost gone in my eyes. we all know that when we were kids and we are asked... what happens on christmas? we always said, oh santa comes and we get alot of presents and we open them in the morning. we never did say that we celebrate the birth of jesus christ. and well thats kind of a sad thing to think about. modern soceity and the ones that were in the past had to just come up with some thing or figure to hide the fact that this day is truely for god. they made up some way that people could spend even more money and not just eat and be with family and celebrate christs birth. and well i am not denying that i dont like the presents but its kind of a shame that everything in common soceity has some kind of fairy tale thing about it that makes us end up spending money for the government to have again. it was always used to be day just for jesus but sometime in the past "saint nicolas was created and then began the reign of the presents and the insane spending. sometimes it is hard to realize that most children dont even realize what the true meaning of christmas.
-short thing, x-mas, another example of what someone decided so that they could take christ out of christmas, most thought it was just shortening the word on christmas cards but when you come to think about it, you really are taking christ out of CHRISTmas.
-attempt to do this sometime when christmas comes closer and the child is of closer age. ask them what the true meaning of christmas us. see if i am wrong.
X is actually the Greek letter "chi" which has been an abbreviation for Christ. Xmas has been used as far back as the 1400's. It isn't so much taking Christ out of Christmas as it is using ancient church tradition.
ReplyDeleteNow the whole shopping, spending, Santa Claus thing is a whole different story.