Thursday, December 8, 2011

Turn The Other Cheek

something that i will not do because i know that i couldnt
-if some one. anyone is to punch my face. slap my face. they should know that i am going to jump up and do everythig in my power to kick their BLAH BLAH BLAH.. urg.. i will not just sit there and be hit. and i highly doubt any one of you would do it either. especially if you are a guy. i.. i get mad aand i dont cry. if i get mad my hand starts to shake. if i get hit.. well thats another thing. im not like jesus and i dont know how that man could have possibley done it but yeah i kinda could his was a prinsoner there wasnt much that he could do. no friend of his jjust slapped his face cause they got in an argument. i think that this is something that probably no body has done in a long long time. sometimes people dont want to evade the fight because it makes them look like a wuss. or maybe they are wanting to fight in general. turning the other cheek in my mind pretty much means "hey im to mature to do this junk. so im done.  goodbye" but honestly.. i think the anger inside of me at that point would overpower my mature brain at that moment. and i think that would go for the same for you. jesus can talk he wants to about turning the other cheek but i dont think ever in that book did he get slapped in the face and turn that cheek. i think that there should have been some example. and maybe we could have made the statement more realisitc. turning the other cheek is something that common soceity is saying that we shouldnt do. they say we should fight and try to hurt each other to no end. but yeah. turning the other cheek is a sign of maturity. a sign of streangth beyond the muscle. and a sense of inteligence that we dont see often. and i am man enough to admit that i probably couldnt do it. what about you


  1. A big distinction to make is that nowhere in that passage does it say God doesn't expect you to defend yourself. There are times when fighting is the only way out and there are times when you should absolutely fight. Only you will know when those times are. Jesus didn't spell out when it's ok to fight because he wants us to think for ourselves and seek the appropriate responses we're looking for. The important thing to take away is even though there are situations where it is entirely justifiable - let it be your last resort.

  2. I think turn the other cheek is a pretty radical example. And that is what Jesus was going for, radical. Like you said, no one would do that in actual physical life. But he calls us to do radical stuff no one would ever do.
    And we can because he did. He carried the sins of the world and he didn't do anything. He took all of our crap and carried it with him unto death. It is hard for us to understand that because it is a spiritual thing. I think that's why he gave us the turn the other cheek example.
