Alright well we talked about this tonight at my church and well its an interesting topic if you actually go into deapth with it i could debate on this topic all day possibley on the possiblities or not of having acutal life out there. Well.. i can honestly say that i dont know what to think haha. I think that their could possibley be life out there or possibley could have been life out there. Most people dont? Some do? What bout you? Before you debate look at some of these things that i think could help sway your mind to a certain side of the board or move you to my indipident cluelessness.
- Aliens Do Exist - What if there is another life form out there that some of us are all dreaming about and that the movies have depicted in movies. if there is why havent they found us? what if we are the more advanced species? god never said that there couldnt be other life forms out there? so technically there possibilities are endless. if there are NUMEROUS galaxys out there and a giant universe filled with planets and different kind of enoviorments and suns and stars why wouldnt there be life out there besides us? seems like a waste of space dont you agree? why wouldnt we be sharing it with something else? what if god gave up on man and went to another planet for a backdrop if we got to bad? haha good thing noah was there :3 but yeah? i could seriously see there being aliens out there? i mean i think that people have found water on other planets? frozen water. so why wouldnt there be life. organisms need water to survive.. so there is the water.. go survive on it haha
-Alines Do NOT Exist - Hey we are all alone in this vast universe that god has created for us and we are the only ones that will ever have intelligent life. there is not possible way that there are aliens want to know why? because we have not found any livable planet besides ours. there are not even organisms on other planets but just a bunch of little moon rocks 0.o psh aliens are just something that movie directors created one day so that people could have something to spend money on. have you ever heard of people seeing "flying saucers" well in the 1960s or before there were people all saying that aliens were flying around near area fifty one but turns out that it was just some plane that they were test flying and they were using the publicity of the flying saucer or aliens to hide the base and the plans of the plane from the public. and i honestly think that people who have "seen" real aliens or have been abducted were just some people dreaming or fantasizing haha, we are the only life forms
What are your opinions? found any hard core evidence?
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