Monday, October 24, 2011

Trust Fall

Well I am currently in the media center in side of school and I ate my food early and decided to get out of that god awful cafeteria and well.. Why I am in here I might as well do the blog that I need to do today anyways.. So here I go
     Trust Fall – At the soup kitchen yesterday we had the opportunity to get extra points by doing a trust fall off of a giant rock and for me I thought it was going to be pretty easy at first, hey what’s the problem, just lean back and all and they catch you.. No big whoop. But I actually had a giant problem with this once I arrived at the top of this rock. I have noticed sense I went to the ropes course in the sixth or fifth grade that I am horribly afraid of heights in general, I have problems going on rollercoaster’s, jumping from trees, getting on ladders, and eh.. this was just the same in my point of view, but I knew I was going to do this for the points because I have to be able to beat Jordan and Makayla and the rest of the competition >: D and well there is one question that I was asking myself as I was at the peak of that giant rock ready to throw myself down to the earth and hoping and praying that you people would have caught my air born body before a horrible and very painful crash. “why is this so difficult?” why was it so difficult to trust you people to know you were going to catch me, of course I knew you were going to catch me because I knew that you didn’t want to have a lawsuit on your case but really I didn’t have trust in you people or the other common word called “faith”. I had to nearly throw myself down without even knowing it before I could bring myself up to jumping down to the pool of hands ready to catch me. And well there is one of two things that could have possibly happened that prevented me from just jumping down as some of the rest of the people were able to do. Sure It could have been because of my fear of heights or it could have been because of a “lack of faith” that I had in you people. Isn’t in my understanding that we as a Christian group of people are supposed to have faith in each other? Well what’s my excuse? Well frankly I do not have one necessarily and well I need you to come up with an answer for me >.<
Moral Of The Story : Have Faith In Others Or You Are Lost And Alone


  1. You are exactly right. We are supposed to have faith in each other. That sounds nice, but when it comes down to it, it isn't that easy. Trusting or putting faith in someone else to protect you as much as you do yourself makes you vulnerable. You are opening yourself up to be let down or lifted up.

    What if these mere humans let you down? That hurts and then you have to deal with that hurt. People have let you down in your life and even though you may have dealt with it and forgiven the person. The hurt is still there. The possibility of being hurt like that again is intimidating.
    After all, what if you were dropped. You would have physically been hurt for a little bit, but that gets better. However, that wouldn't have been all. Your pride would have been hurt. Your faith in Drew and I would have been shaken. You wouldn't have trusted us as much. You would have wondered if we really had your well being in mind. All of those things and doubts were wondering through your mind while you were standing up there.

    In the end, it is easier to trust yourself to get it done. Rather than to trust other people to do something for you. Love you kid!

  2. Great perspective, G. Love it.
