Sunday, October 2, 2011


Is it wrong to have favorites? on anything? well i dont honestly think so i like my friends better then my enemies, i like novak djokavic better then i do rafael nadal. but when i think that favortism gets wrong is when you bring it into the school system. i dont like it how most coaches as teachers usually or tend to love the atheletes better then anyone else in the class, often give them special treatement or le ways so that they can plass the class easier, well this was horrible in middle school, not so bad not but still something that URKS me. why do teachers find it ok to have favorites in the class, i mean its nice that you can have a conversation with a student but when you treat them better then another student or give them more attention the rest i think that it is getting to a wrong point and that it is going way to far. i dont think that many teachers see themselves doing it really but just go with the flow because they dont have that good of a bond with the other students. i know from my point of view that i dont really socialize with my teachers but i see them having alot of favorites going along to the side with the preppy girls or the jocks of the classroom and so it creates this strange air in the room. is it right to have favortism inside the class or even anywhere? give an opinion cause i think its wrong what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think conversations can sometimes be misconstrued as favorites. Honestly my favorites aren't always the ones I talk to. The ones that come in and do their work to the best of their ability without complaint are often my favorites. However, I don't often talk to them. They know what to do, so I don't have to spend time on them. And maybe favorites is a bad word. It's more like a preference. However, letting the preference color the way a student is graded or something, not cool.
