oh my gosh this really grinds my gears whenever people really do this -.- extended prayers.. well here is my thinking on the matter at hand.. why on earth would you do this -.- i mean honestly i think that you are either just trying to make yourself look good or you are just trying to get bonus points in heaven or something -.- cause i really don't think it is necessary to drag out a 3 person prayer request into a 15 minute rant on "OH PLEASE help them father" four times in the same prayer -.- honestly if i cant even do a prayer about ten things and make it last about a minute or 30 seconds at least and still get my point across i just dont see why you think it is really important to outstretch it all. we all know that you are trying to make your point across that you want god to help these people or just do something miraculous in their lives but i still dont think he needs you to talk to him like that -.- he already knows what we think and say so i dont think he needs you to rant on to him about something he already knows about!?
well here is my thinking: less is MORE. sometimes if you put way to much stuff into something then it just becomes ruined and less meaningful but if you put something small but with so much meaning into it it really takes your point home.
Personally, I am a less is more pray-er as well. However, I think some people are working it out for themselves, not for God. He does know what we think, but sometimes we don't. Another factor is that sometimes you feel that person's pain so deeply that it takes awhile to get all those feelings out to God. When I pray for a long time, the latter reason is why.