Sunday, October 16, 2011

... awkward -.-

alright yesterday i went to my friends birthday party and well let me tell you something that was extremely awkward. if you can imagine this please try -.- white boy surrounded by 30-40 asians at one party and well i knew none of these people except for khris, and crystal [birthday girl] and yeah it was kinda awkward.. hmong party, hmong food, hmong prayer.. eh kinda akward at times cause half of the time i didnt know what the heck people were talking about and i felt just out of place.. i found it kind of irritating at times? thought it was kinda horrible not knowing any of these people.. not knowing what to do.. eating strange food [not saying it was bad, but it was pretty good] and well it just didnt feel.. RIGHT. i found it difficult to talk to people because im kind of a shy person around people that i dont really know and well there came a time that i was all alone throwing quite frisby with random people who i dont really talk to and well that was pretty bad -.- played volleyball for a while and that was pretty weird to.. i felt horrible whenever i did a fail because i couldnt just joke around like they could.. eh it sucked haha. the thing that i was most looking forward to when i was there was pretty much leaving? sounds pretty darn horrible i know.. but i just wanted to get out of there : O i knew we were going to go play tennis after the party was over and well i was pretty darn excited about playing and then we got there and... i sucked -.- hitting bad shots, hitting wayyy out, hitting at the net.. not getting to the ball.. gah it was pretty darn bad so that was another thing that was making the day worse AND THEN my dad showed up and then tried to be sneaky trying to watch me and i noticed and then i had to play knowing that he was watching me play trying to see how good i was doing and that just added to the preasure -.- gah that felt crappy not being able to impress him, even though he said i was doing pretty darn good, i still felt like crap -.- eh a bad day, but it was nice to be able to be there for my friends sixteenth birthday, and also by being the only white kid means that i was the only white kid she kinda wanted to come :3 haha awsomeness

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Way out of your comfort zone! I'm proud of you. I would have been totally awkward even with just a bunch of white kids I didn't know!
