Sunday, November 27, 2011


An ancient thing that was used back in the days when jesus was here or there but yeah.. i really dont see what the point of the whole thing is -.- sure its an important thing that we all are "supposed" to do before we die because its some kind of a good thing or whatever but all i really see is you being put in a thing of water. why is the water important? why cant the preacher or whatever just say all that stuff without it and say that all of your sins are forgiven? i mean i know that its an important thing because jesus got it done by his cousin or something like that but i really dont see the significance in the whole idea of getting baptized. and i really dong think i am going to ever go get it done for myself because i really dont see it as an important thing. braxton got baptized when he was like eight -.- maybe older and well at that time all i bet he saw in doing it was that he was getting a free bath. my mom got it done the same time and well she was probably in her early twenty's? maybe thirty's but yeah.. i dont think it can have any special meaning for it. some people say that if you  dont get it done that you are not "saved" and well blah to them. i dont think i wan to get one. eh i heard some story about some old guy who got baptized on his last year of life because he wanted his sins to be almost non existent whenever he died so i think that would be a smarter idea then just getting it to get it over with. so statements and questions and concerns would be as fallowed
Statements, baptizm.. eh i dont think i want to get it done, it seems like something non important even though it apparently is
Questions, is it important o.O does it have any true meaning to it that could potentially make or break someones chances of going up there.. ya know.. there!
Concerns, Got any?

1 comment:

  1. A few of the many benefits I see to baptism -

    1) It's a great public profession of faith. It's a great way to make public your decision to follow Jesus Christ. Hey, you never know who might see that and be inspired by your actions!

    2) Symbolism. Being submerged in the water symbolizes Jesus washing our sins clean and rising up from the water symbolizes beginning the new life he's given us.

    3) Jesus himself allowed himself to be baptized by man. If our aims and desires as Christians are to be like him, why would we not want to take part? Is he not worthy of our praise?

    I won't go so far as to say baptism is a requirement for salvation, although there are people who would argue me to the death on that. John 3:5 says no one is fit to enter the kingdom of God unless he is "born of water and the Spirit." Ezekiel 36:25-26 - 'I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;" These are passages that seem to suggest baptism being tied to your salvation, but salvation is dying to ourselves and our sins and putting our complete faith in Christ.

    I don't say that for you to use that as a crutch to never experience baptism. Because again, why not do it? I can think of more reasons why it's beneficial than more reasons why it's not a requirement.

    Here's a challenge for you in closing - try to approach such a topic through how God wants you to look at it rather than how you choose to look at it. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

    Many aspects of Christianity don't make sense to us. Heck, I'm your youth pastor and that doesn't make sense to me!! But he's blessed my life and fulfilled me more than I ever could on my own - and he does so for all who believe and put their faith in him.
