Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Holding Your Tongue, My Tongue

One of the hardest things to do and yet it is such an important thing to do. finding the will to not speak your  mind about something that drives you up the walls is sometimes the hardest thing that you can ever do. you choose not to say anything about something that has created this drive inside of you. you either are preventing yourself from saying it because of two reasons, afraid its to "harsh or rude" or "not appropriate". and well either way i find this difficult to do but yet as we learned tonight that this is an important thing to do.. Holding your tongue can either be a good thing or a bad thing. you can make it a good thing if you speak before you think and change this habit so that you hold your tongue until you are certain that you are ready to speak. or on the other hand it can back fire and prevent you from saying something that is indeed very important to say.
    My Tongue. My Problem. Lets just say from my opinion that i do hold my tongue very well in my eyes whenever i have had to. but in some other cases i do in fact speak before i think about my words which is always something that i should work on because i notice that i was a fool later on after i talk. but also i think that i can sometimes hold my tongue and my emotions back too much. and after i hold and regret holding it.. let me tell you something that feeling is just not good at all. tonight for example something happened and well i felt the need to blurt out, yell out, leave the room, punch a wall and well as you can see i did no such thing. instead i do the unhealthy thing and bottle it up. so can this possibly be an unhealthy thing to keep everything kept secret inside of you? i have heard from a few study's that indeed it is because you are just not releasing all your stress. what do i do..
-well just learned some other news about me not holding my tongue good enought.. need some prayer shockingly..

1 comment:

  1. Don't know your situation or what annoyed you, but I'll definitely pray for you, man. And I'm always here if you ever need to blow off steam. Seriously, just fill my inbox up if you just need to get it out there. I won't think you're weird and I won't judge.

    It's never a weakness to admit that you need prayer. Heck, I need it just as much as anyone. You're right - there really is a balance between putting your foot in your mouth and showing restraint when in fact the situation may have called for us to speak up. Sounds like in this case though, if you were mad or frustrated, you probably did the right thing by showing restraint.

    Just like we talked about tonight - we need make him Lord of your mind. It really does help you deal with difficult situations and help you recognize those times when you need to speak up or shut up. When times like this arise where it's no good to speak up even though you wanted to, pray about your feelings. Be completely honest with God about your feelings...just like you were in this post. Say the exact same things to him. Ask him for wisdom and strength. He will provide it for you. Remember - we never have to bottle things up...he's always right there anytime! We're here for you too.

    You're a great guy and I'll be praying that your situation improves.
