Monday, November 7, 2011

Make Up - Young Teen Super Christians / Reaching Out

The one thing that bugs me about some kids at my schools is that they pose to be a super christian which in my book means that they think that whatever you do is wrong in the eyes of god [which technically it is] but they also think that they are so close to god that it makes everyone else look bad they try to make you feel bad about yourself on the inside because you are not like them, not close to god as you should be, or pose to be. but i have found out that my other friend, dear annie, is a way better christian than these people are. she is more of the quite type of person but she is reaching out to almost everyone and it is working really good lately. she asks everyone to come to her church on sunday, she asks you to come to their revival [yes even asked me] and i have actually asked my mom if i could go a few times but of course the ride was not available. and shockingly she has converted alot of people into start to go to her church. the funny thing is, she does less amount of yellig and preaching at us, but she gets way more people to come to her church. i wonder why. maybe a simple invitation to hang out with friends at a church is better and has a better possibility into blossoming into something better, is better then yelling at people and judging them for things that they are not doing at the time. who knows if you had these types of people as a kid in highschool and or middle school but i know that i have them and i also know that they make themselves look like a fool. while annie is bringing people closer to the church with a magical phrase called "reaching out". and yes, i have even thought about it to myself that if her church worked out better for me, then i would consider changing there. but hey thats not going to happen  most likely but guess what? that is the power that god has given her, the power to reach out and connect to people.

1 comment:

  1. Being friends with someone is the best way to convince them that God wants to be their friend too!
    And yes connecting to people is a God given talent.
