Sunday, November 13, 2011

Relationship With Others, Relationship Relationships, And Relationship With God

a  very.. important thing to have in life but sometimes a more harmful thing then a good thing to have. a relationship is something that one person has with another meaning that you have a close bond with another. but sometimes.. relationships can go bad. relationships with family is something that is almost born into you to have. having a close bond with your mother and father and sometimes siblings is just good to have. but the trick is to a relationship as you get older you try to expand this. with others, and this is when it goes wrong. relationships with other people sometimes and alot of the times leads to dissapointments and to cause a lot of heart ache. when you  you become serious friends with someone right at that moment you have created a relationship. and from that moment on you are at risk of being hurt because of disapointment or of other reasons. but the question is. is it worth it to have these relationships. to have this interactions with people in my opinion is good even with the chance of having of being let down. have a relationship with friends is something that will alow you to grow and become closer to others and increase your social skills.
Relationship Relationships
Whenever you get older into your teenage years you can atempt to create a junior special relationship with someone meaning a girlfriend/boyfriend and well this is when it gets exceptionally difficult. in my opinion, and im going to tell you straight up, are not worth anything. not worth the chance. not worth the effort. when you get into one of these suckers you put your entire trust into these people and then it never fails that they end in a horrible or a bad way. 99.99 percent of the time they end in complete failure after awhile.. i for one dont like the idea of relationships and i dont think that i want to be one for a while. yes you can have special feelings for someone and yes its a good thing but i think once you bring that stupid title into the whole matter it goes plain wrong. you have to many issues going on with each other. sometimes you get the impression that you have to watch each other and see that your not talking to any other boy/girl. and this is when it gets bad. in a normal relationship you have no set of rules that you have to fallow. this one you are pretty much having to fallow rules.. and this is why i dont like it. you find obligated to fallow certain things and well this is why i disapprove of a title. you can be happy with some and have a relationship without the term. you can love someone without being married, without being girlfriend/boyfriend, or even going out. but i think its better to just not have the title and work it that way. once you have the title its all ruined.
Relationships With God
now this is something that i find to have a little bit more work to have to be put into it. a relationship with god is something that in my eyes does not come easy at all. he is  not a person that you can just go up to and have a common conversation with, hug, grow up together, create a eye to in talk. and this is why i get confused with this. people say that you need to have a relationship with god but the real question is  how. what is it that you mean by saying you need to have a relationship with god? just praying all of the time? just.. doing good things? it just does not that much sense to me at all. yes i know that you are supposed to do all of these things. but i for one KNOW that i do not have a good relationship with god. i have a few reason in which i find put my excuses.
1) lack of knowing how
2) lack of time
i dont know how i am supposed to create this relationship with him and i know that i have been told of all this before but whenever i am told all of this stuff it is hard to understand. and also i dont find the time to pray all of the time, to do all of these "good things" that they say we are supposed to do and i just do not think that i am trying at all. i need the answers and i want to know why cant is just come easier to us. there are alot of questions in this world and about god but a giant question and problems that we all have is relationships and this is why i have decided to make this topic, i know that i expanded greatly on  this topic but.. help me out if you can

1 comment:

  1. Good question!

    To put it as simply as I possibly can, a relationship with God is communication. For instance, can you have a friendship if you never talk to the person or text them or email them or whatever? No. Same with God. Communicate with him and see where that leads. If praying, which is talking, isn't working, then try writing in a journal, which is like blogging except just for God.

    Reading the Bible helps too because you kinda get to know him that way. Start by getting to know Jesus. I would start with John and then the other gospels.

    So challenge yourself to read a chapter a day in John until you finish it. And write a paragraph a day in a notebook about what you learned or what happened at school today or some TV show you saw or whatever. Just write down to God something you are thinking about. I would include a why you are thinking about it as well. With Thanksgiving being this month, try writing a paragraph of what you are thankful for. Do it for a month and see if you feel any different.
    If you aren't going to do it for a month, I don't know if you will be able to see any growth.
