Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Animal Cruelty

You  know what i honestly hate? when animal cruelty happens.. it just rattles my bones gives me chills or whatever you want to call it it just really bothers me. i swear.. i am not that much of a lover of dogs but seriously it just drives me insane to see a dog get hurt or bothered in a way that would make them screech. why am i talking about this? because we are currently dog sitting my grandmothers dog while she is having her bad week of chemotherapy and my little sister just enjoys to hurt the dog! she will yank her tell, squeeze her feet, pull on her back fat, sit on her and its a LITTLE dog! and well i do what anyone with common sense would do and smack the kid and throw her away to protect the dog. sure the dog can bite her or nibble on her fingers or just screech trying to get her away but why  not just nip it the bud and just stop the cause THE KID. and well apparently its the wrong thing to do because mother yelled at me for doing it because "oh.. shell learn eventually she will learn to stop once she gets bit" NO?!?!?! i don't want the dog to suffer because of your cruel child. sure she is a kid but that is no reason to let her behave like she rules the freaking world? who gives a crap that she is a girl, beat her like a boy and make her stop. the dog knows to be gentle with her so of course she is not going to bite her hard! she avoids her at all cost but then Brianna comes right back fallowing her trying to hurt her. and i flip out.. sorry but i don't care who you are? don't mess with an animal?
     dog fighting- what kind of a sick b****** would ever enjoy to watch dogs fighting each other to survive? you must have some kind of mental sickness because that is the most revolting thing. if you are even participating in this crap i think you should go to jail for life! or even die for all i care! you kill and torture dogs for fun and entertainment for gods sake... what is wrong with you??!? its sickening to even think about.. i couldn't imagine the kind of stuff they are put through everyday.. gah.. its so wrong! you know people im going to go out and say it because i care to  much not to.. if you participate in dog fighting i think you should die.. you are a waste of a human life if you enjoy killing and torturing dogs. its to me just the same as being a psychopath on the street picking up people and making them fight each other to the death every night for entertainment..

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. My little brother is 12 years younger than me, so when I was your age, he was around Brianna's age himself. Not saying your mom was wrong, but I would have probably done the same thing as you with him.

    A lot of what you say about dog fighting is more true than you know. There is a very strong link between this kind of animal cruelty and serial killers. Stuff like this is where many of them started. Google that sometime and do some reading. Interesting stuff, and yes, sickening.
