Sunday, October 2, 2011

What Gender? What Race?

Woah! ever noticed that in the bible it never said that god was male or female? or what race he is? cause what if you are a racist and gods ends up being that race that you just dont like? would you make an eception to it or not? that could possibley be a giant problem? what if he is a girl? could you accept that? which i seirously doub that he is a girl because jesus always said in the bible that the FATHER and all that other stuff.. but hey is it possible? or are we just not going to be able to see him because he is to good. did noah look at the shadow of him or something and go blind or something? haha but seriously what if god is a mexican or something? black? white? asian? nothing? just something! that could be weird or unexpected? i know alot of people that could possibley be mad that he was a diffenent race? i doub that he even will be a race because he is just going to be.. something else? but yeah i do think he is a dude haha but yeah short topic but just something to ponder.. what if.. what if.. what if..


  1. I also doubt he is a race or a gender. I think the best way we can understand him is by saying HE. I'm not sure he actually is a HE though.

  2. God is also of the spiritual realm. That's outside of race, sex, gender, whatever. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to discover a single race of people in heaven. That's not to say we'll all be white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and so forth. Just meaning we could likely be a single race we don't or can't identify with here on Earth.
